Chié Shimizu /清水ちえ
Was born in Japan. She works predominantly in the medium of sculpture with Japanese-style painting, but includes metal crafts and oil paintings among her earlier works. Shimizu earned her BFA from Tokyo University of the Arts in 1993 with a major in metal crafts, and received a prestigious Salon De Printemps Prize at graduation. She had several shows of both metalworks and oil paintings in Tokyo and Kanagawa, Japan, before moving to New York in 1996. She earned her MFA in sculpture from the New York Academy of Art in 2001 and received a residency grant from the HRH Prince of Wales and Forbes Foundation at the Chateau de Balleroy, Normandy, France. Her work has been exhibited in numerous venues throughout the United States, including the Island Weiss Gallery, Mark Miller Gallery, Dillon Gallery, BoothGallery, the Fresh Window Gallery, WhiteBox Harlem, and she held a first solo show at NowHere gallery in New York, April 2022. Shimizu's work has also been included in private collections worldwide, from the United States to Germany, Turkey, Israel, Peru, and Japan. She currently lives and works in Queens, New York.
1971年、日本生まれ。1993年東京藝術大学美術学部工芸科卒業、Salon De Printemps Prizeを受賞。1993−1995年の間に油彩、メタルの作品で東京、神奈川にてグループ展に参加も多数、個展を3度開催している。1996年よりニューヨーク在住。
CUNY Kingsborough community collegeを経て、2001年New York Academy of Art修士課程彫刻科卒業、Travel study grant to the CHatesau de Balleroy, Normandy, France by HRH the prince of Wales and Forbes Foundationを受賞。その後ニューヨークのIsland Weiss Gallery, Mark Miller Gallery, Dillon Gallery, Booth Gallery, Fresh Window Gallery, WhiteBox galleryなどでグループ展、アートフェアに多数参加し、2022年にニューヨークでは初の個展をNowHere Galleryにて開催。清水の作品は北米を始め、ドイツ、トルコ、イスラエル、ペルー、日本など世界各国のプライベートコレクションに収蔵されている。現在、ニューヨーク、クイーンズを拠点に活動。
Chié Shimizu studio link:
Untitled No.19
310 × 250 × 560 mm
Ultra-cal, plaster, seashell powder, pigments, gold, platinum and white gold leaf, twine, silk / 2023
Maquette No.10
432 × 152.5 × 178 mm
Ultra-cal, plaster, seashell powder, pigments / 2019
Untitled No.12
300 × 430 × 410 mm
Ultra-cal, plaster, seashell powder, pigments, white gold leaf, twine, silk / 2023
Maquette No.1
220 × 200 × 320 mm
Ultra-cal, plaster. seashell powder. strew / 2004
Untitled No.19
Ultra-cal, plaster, seashell powder, pigments, gold, platinum and white gold leaf, twine, silk / 2023
Maquette No.10
Ultra-cal, plaster, seashell powder, pigments / 2019
Untitled No.12
Ultra-cal, plaster, seashell powder, pigments, white gold leaf, twine, silk / 2023
Maquette No.1
Ultra-cal, plaster. seashell powder. strew / 2004