ZEN | ゼン

アーティスト 1993年、東京都生まれ。 ストリートにある障害物に適応しながら心身を鍛えるスポーツ、パルクールと15歳で出会い、翌年、本場のシーンを体験するために単身渡米。 その哲学やメソッドに触れてのめり込み、19歳で日本初のプロパルクールアスリートに。2015年にはアジア人で初の全米チャンピオンに輝き、パルクールシーンで日本の第一人者としての地位を築く。 2016年より、世界7カ国のトップパルクールアスリートで構成されるインターナショナルチームTEAM FARANGに所属。 現在もプレイヤーとして世界で活躍する傍ら、パルクールカルチャー普及に関わるあらゆる活動に従事。映像、写真、デザインなどを通し、自身のクリエイティブ活動を行なっている。 2020年より、〈BKK2020〉を皮切りにアートプロジェクトを始動。 

Athlete Born in Tokyo, in 1993. He started parkour, a discipline/sport that focuses on navigating through environments and terrains as fast and as efficiently as possible, at the age of 15. At age 19, he became the first ever Japanese professional parkour athlete. In 2015, he became the first Asian to win the U.S. National Championship, establishing himself as the leading figure in Japan’s parkour scene. He has been a member of TEAM FARANG, an international team made up of top parkour athletes from seven countries, since 2016. In addition to being an active parkour athlete, he is also active in his efforts to promote the sport and its culture. He is also engaged in art-related endeavors that include design, photography, and visual productions. BKK2020 marks the first installment of his art project that combines photography with parkour.

  • BN-25ALLY

    1467 × 1100mm
    UV Printing on canvas

  • Religion

    1600 × 1083mm
    UV Printing on canvas


    2250 × 1500mm
    UV Printing on canvas

  • Inside Out

    616 × 1100mm
    UV Printing on canvas

  • Big Head

    420 × 420mm
    UV Printing on canvas

  • A boy on a giraffe

    420 × 420mm
    UV Printing on canvas

  • Apollo

    1433 × 2150mm
    UV Printing on canvas

  • Last Call

    700 × 1250mm
    UV Printing on canvas

  • SEA

    1850 × 1233mm
    UV Printing on canvas

  • Mrs Jane

    840 × 420mm
    UV Printing on canvas


    420 × 420mm
    UV Printing on canvas

  • Rose

    420 × 420mm
    UV Printing on canvas

  • Vehicle

    809 × 1100mm
    UV Printing on canvas

  • Rooftop Theater

    804 × 1200mm
    UV Printing on canvas

  • Direction

    420 × 420mm
    UV Printing on canvas

  • Sports

    1047 × 1400mm
    UV Printing on canvas

  • The Underpass

    645 × 900mm
    UV Printing on canvas

  • White Collar

    420 × 420mm
    UV Printing on canvas

  • Man filling the gap

    348 × 300mm(×4)
    UV Printing on canvas

  • Shipwreck

    1484 × 2000mm
    UV Printing on canvas


UV Printing on canvas


UV Printing on canvas


UV Printing on canvas

Inside Out

UV Printing on canvas

Big Head

UV Printing on canvas

A boy on a giraffe

UV Printing on canvas


UV Printing on canvas

Last Call

UV Printing on canvas


UV Printing on canvas

Mrs Jane

UV Printing on canvas


UV Printing on canvas


UV Printing on canvas


UV Printing on canvas

Rooftop Theater

UV Printing on canvas


UV Printing on canvas


UV Printing on canvas

The Underpass

UV Printing on canvas

White Collar

UV Printing on canvas

Man filling the gap

UV Printing on canvas


UV Printing on canvas